Our Team

Joey Cline
Founder and COO

Joey founded Myrmidon Industries, Inc. in 2009. A seasoned Global Supply-Chain expert, Joey has influenced corporate improvement and growth efforts with Fortune 100 to medium size private ventures, saving companies of all sizes millions in cost. Joey understands that change is good, until it isn’t.   Responsibilities include all logistics and transportation services, quality control, and packaging improvements.   Joey also leads the product design, patent and trademark efforts at Myrmidon Industries. Joey is a graduate of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, six-sigma black belt, political advisor, and a decorated powerlifter. 

Jason Smith
Executive VP

Jason has developed business growth initiatives across multiple market verticals. He has extensive experience in Fortune 100 environments.   In addition to his marketing efforts Mr. Smith has lead the growth of start-up initiatives and Strategic Joint Venture expansions. Jason currently leads Myrmidon's sales and diversification efforts. Also a graduate of the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, he is married with three dogs and enjoys scuba diving and motorcycles.

Ellen C. Smith

As CEO Ellen guides Myrmidon’s overall business strategies and product offerings. Ellen’s background in insurance drives product development to encompass areas of risk mitigation and loss reduction. Prior to her career in insurance Ellen spent five years as a special education teacher working with underprivileged children. She is very dedicated to animal rescue and contributes considerable time and effort to related causes. Ellen holds multiple degrees from the University of Mary Washington. “The answer is simple, the best solutions come from the best people. Myrmidon brings results to the table in every venture, we don’t sell, we inform and trust our partners.”

Brand Identity

In ancient Greece their was a small but powerful team called the Myrmidon who were able to change the tide of entire campaigns despite their few numbers. This was accomplished through strategy, skill, and above all else a commitment to the goals of their partners. The Myrmidon were greatly enabled by their leader, Achilles.

Myrmidon Industries Inc. will work relentlessly to support our customers with the highest level of integrity and commitment. And luckily, our leader’s heels are in tip top shape, so we have the edge on our predecessors. Find out what Myrmidon can do for you.

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